NexxDigital - computers and operating systems

Windows 8

What to do with the error “The program has stopped working Microsoft Explorer html is not working”

I work in 1C Enterprise, everything is fine, but when I make a backup copy, this crap comes out (the "Microsoft(R) HTML application" program does not work) and closes the program. and what to do about it? The explanation for this state of affairs is given by the specialists from Micr themselves.

Why are activators for Windows and software dangerous?

Windows 7 activation failed - No problem! If your Windows 7 activation failed, your trial period has expired, or you simply don’t know how to activate Windows 7, there is a very simple and reliable method, and it’s absolutely free. At the moment there is plenty

Odnoklassniki - my page

My Odnoklassniki page is a personal profile of each user, which contains information and photographs indicated about him. Available for viewing by certain lists and groups of persons created by the user in the settings. Go to Odnoklassniki n

Installing mc - midnight commander install Installing mc ubuntu server 16

Typically, installing MS SQL Server is not considered, since it is believed that it is quite simple - click the Next button several times and the database is installed. However, there are several nuances that can poison the life of even an experienced administrator, such as:

How to delete all browsing history (or selectively) in the Safari browser on iPhone, iPad and Mac (macOS)

Safari on iOS works like all other browsers. For every domain and every page you visit, Safari stores site-specific data. This may contain cookies, cached images, etc. As with all browsers, Safari is

How to cut out an image in Photoshop and put one on top of another Selecting using a magnetic lasso

In this tutorial we will use a new feature of Photoshop CS5 - the Refine Edge Tool. Example image of a girl: 1. Open the image you are going to work with.2. Duplicate the Background layer by pressing Ctrl+J.

How to change the battery on a computer motherboard

How to replace the battery in a laptop. Lost time and date parameters, associated with a constant CMOS Battery Low indication, every time you turn it on again - this is the most common problem among personal computers and laptops whose service life is

How to make the Yandex home page the starting page

Today we will partially look at the Yandex search system. Its main page is the face of the entire system and literally a portal to the wonderful world of a search engine that occupies a leading position in the RuNet. There is no point in talking about the reasons for leadership now,

NexxDigital - computers and operating systems