NexxDigital - computers and operating systems

Windows 7

IPhone won't boot (won't turn on) beyond apple

Reading time: 4 min One of the most unpleasant problems that happen to Apple smartphones is that the iPhone does not load beyond the apple. When you try to turn on the phone, the company logo appears on the screen, but the system does not start. Error may

Routine and background tasks

Probably, not a single serious configuration on 1C 8.3 or 8.2 can do without the use of routine and background tasks. They are very convenient, since they will be executed according to a clearly defined schedule without user or programmer intervention. For example, va

How to define Yandex filters?

If you do SEO for your website, then you will agree that it’s great to know the reasons why your traffic has dropped. It’s great in the sense that you can influence the situation and return the resource’s position to its previous place. What happens when a site’s performance drops?

The best programs for webcams

Do you need a program that can turn your computer into a video surveillance system for your home, office, apartment or property? Carefully study the section table and the best solution will be found! All those who score more than three pluses for the utility are adapted to work with

Review of Jabra Sport Pulse wireless fitness headphones

This accessory is aimed at those who play sports, which, in fact, is clear from the name. So I, having ruined my previous headset with excess moisture, was faced with the choice of something more suitable for running and training. There are always some problems with the wires

Samsung Galaxy J1 vs Samsung Galaxy J3 - comparison of two mid-price smartphones

In mid-May 2017, the Korean manufacturer Samsung introduced a new gadget designed to complement the family of J series devices. The new product is called Galaxy J3 (2017) and seriously claims to soon receive the title of best-selling

Wireshark Filters Getting to Know Filters

Author: Riccardo Capecchi Date of publication: March 22, 2011 Translation: A. Panin Date of publication of translation: November 29, 2012 In this article we will look at the process of applying BPF filters in Wireshark to show the details of the functioning of an HTTP session, session e

Partitioning a hard drive using Partition Wizard Home Edition Minitool partition wizard does not start

One of the operations that optimizes computer performance is aligning hard disk partitions. This operation is designed to increase HDD performance, reduce SSD wear, and also reduce the risk of file system errors on the

NexxDigital - computers and operating systems